I’ve always felt that the key to a successful performance is including the audience as a part of the picture … it keeps the energy of the show up.

SLC Deseret News
A visually stunning stage show in the round

Lighting and Sound International
What his self-imposed rigor has left him with is an unusual color collection: pinks, ambers, blues, and greens that you’ll rarely if ever have seen before. The colors look like a Los Angeles sunset on a bad smog day.

Montreal Gazette
The best opening lighting display the Bell Centre has ever seen … The ceaselessly inventive lighting.

“The design has to fit in a variety of venues, in a variety of shapes, all around the world, and still maintain its integrity. It is an extremely complicated process, requiring relentless attention to detail so that nothing slips by. All of that is the easiest part for me, just hammering through the details to produce that look.”
The hard part, said Mr. Broderick, is coming up with the design itself. “As a designer, I have to release my subconscious mind to do what it has to do, let the idea assemble itself in my head. And then, take that idea and turn it into a produced show, and still maintain visual interest in every number.”